Puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail makes an amazing recovery

source: https://www.buydogfleameds.com

Blossom has been adopted. Check out how happy she is at her new home: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fb…
Blossom was originally rescued by ZEIL: http://www.zeil.gr/

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In July 24 2015 a puppy was spotted by one our volunteers in an urban area in Athens Greece. Although wandering the streets for weeks probably, she had been overseen or simply neglected. Her tail was already dead from embeded wire tied to it since she was a lot younger, and her body was covered in thousands of ticks. The tick colony had literaly drained her, and her blood test results showed that her blood was so thin that she wouldn’t have survived the next few days. She was given a blood transusion, had her tail amputated and it took her foster mum about a week to get rid of all the dead ticks from her body. We named her Blossom and promiced her never to suffer ever again. The day this video was uploaded(September 2015) she was already healthy looking for her forever home. She has been reserved and will soon be united with her family.
Η Μπλόσσομ βρέθηκε από εθελόντρια σε αυτήν την κατάσταση. Ήταν γεμάτη με τόσα τσιμπούρια που το αίμα της είχε γίνει νερό και ο αιματοκρίτης της ήταν τόσο χαμηλός που θεωρήθηκε θαύμα το ότι ζούσε ακόμα. Η ουρά της νεκρωμένη από καιρό, ακρωτηριάστηκε άμεσα. Η Μπλόσσομ έκανε μετάγγιση αίματος και χρειάστηκαν μέρες για να απαλλαχθεί από τα τόσα τσιμπούρια που ήτα χιλιάδες. Σήμερα είναι μια υγιέστατη κουταβίτσα που ψάχνει το παντοτινό της σπίτι.

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