cbd oil for dogs cats with hot spots

CBD Oil For Dogs & Cats With Hot Spots

CBD Oil For Dogs & Cats With Hot Spots

What is Hot Spots?

Acute moist dermatitis is a common skin disease of pets with thick fur. Commonly known as “hot spots”, this condition causes inflamed and infected areas on your pet’s skin. These secondary bacterial infections are referred to as hot spots because the inflamed areas are usually warm.

Hot spots are self-inflicted by repeatedly licking, scratching, and biting an area. Common causes of hot spots are irritants like bug bites, allergens, dirty fur, ear/skin infections, and excess moisture. Although these circumstances are typical among dogs, it is important that they are carefully observed to prevent future skin problems.

Though this disease generally occurs with canines, there are rare instances of cats suffering from hot spots, too.

Preventing Hot Spots

Considering that hot spots can get pretty gruesome, you can follow these precautions to avoid further infections:

  1. Find the source of the itch

One way to avoid hot spots is to discover what makes your dog itch. You can do this by frequently checking your pet’s fur for any parasites, treating allergies, and managing skin infections. Ensure that they maintain good hygiene and are patted dry after bathing.

  1. Increase exercise

Dogs and cats sometimes have a tendency to lick themselves whenever they are bored or stressed. Through active play time, you will be able to mentally distract them. For those with busy schedules, you can use toys as a substitute.

  1. Consuming more fatty acids

Fatty acids, such as Omega-3, serve an anti-inflammatory purpose. It will simultaneously strengthen the skin barrier while increasing immunity to allergens and infections.

Causes and Symptoms for Dog/Cat Hot spots

Since hot spots have the power to become a disturbing disease, it is best to know whether your pet has hot spots so you can treat it immediately. Some indications that your pet might be suffering from hot spots include:

  • Itchy and inflamed patch of skin
  • Hair loss (around the infected area)
  • Moist, matte fur
  • Crusty scabs
  • Oozing sores
  • Dry skin
  • Foul odor caused by infected area
  • Irregular aggression (from the disease)
  • Depression (from the disease)

Hot Spot Natural Home Remedies For Dogs and Cats

Just like any other disease, hot spots allegedly be healed through do-it-yourself treatments. Plus, they won’t the immune system like conventional drugs do. Though these remedies are all natural, they should be used with caution and are recommended for smaller infections.

Topical Hot Spot Treatments

To begin treatment, you need to clean the area. Start by trimming the hair surrounding the infection to prevent matting. Cleanse the area of any puss or dead skin.

Black Tea

Aside from being one of the most consumed beverages in the world, Black Tea offers an abundance of health benefits with antioxidants and compounds that reduce inflammation.

If you want to use this remedy, you can begin by dipping the tea bag into eight ounces of warm water. Give it time to cool then apply the tea bag or absorbed cotton ball to the infected area for a few minutes.


Calendula is a natural extract sourced from marigold flowers. It has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties that make it commonly used for healing wounds.

Caledula products can be easily found in your local health store. In order to avoid further irritation and stinging, look for products with no alcohol.

To cure wounds, you can choose to apply it directly or concoct a homemade lotion that is easy to make.

How to Make Calendula Lotion


  • 20-40 drops of Calendula tincture
  • 1 cup of filtered water
  • 1/4 tablespoon of salt
  1. Start by mixing the salt and water together.
  2. Add the Calendula tincture to the mixture.
  3. With a clean cotton ball, apply the lotion onto the hot spot 2-4 times daily.


Hypericum (or St. John’s Wort) is known as a leafy herb that grows in open and mild temperature areas. This herb promotes healing by reducing pain and inflammation.

You can combine calendula tincture and water to create an antibacterial wash for your pet. The ingredients are made available in health food stores or online on Amazon. However, you can also opt for pre-made HyperCal solutions if you don’t feel like making it yourself.

To prepare the wash, you need to mix 12-15 drops of Hypericum with a cup of warm water. Feel free to use the water as necessary as possible to ensure the area is cleaned. Dry the area with a clean cloth when done.

Coconut oil

The uses for coconut oil aren’t just limited to cooking and self-care. It has anti-fungal properties that can either be consumed or applied topically.

How to Make a Topical Cream to Fight Infections

To relieve hot spots, you can prepare a simple anti-bacterial cream.


  • 5 teaspoons of coconut oil
  • 5 drops of Oregano Oil
  1. Combine the required amounts of coconut oil and oregano together.
  2. Using a cotton ball, sponge in the solution to the hot spot once a day.

Not only will coconut oil be able to assist your pup with their condition, but it also contains fatty acids and proteins to provide many other health benefits.

For treatment, you can incorporate coconut oil in your pet’s meals. Give them a teaspoon for every ten pounds of body weight, or a tablespoon for every 30 pounds of body weight. You may want to ease it into their diets slowly, starting with a quarter of the suggested amount.

CBD Oil as a Hot Spot Treatment

Cannabidioil has many benefits that promote healthy skin. Usually, vets recommend a drop for every 10 pounds of your dog’s/cat’s weight. As a dog owner, it isn’t recommended to give your pets CBD oil without a proper consultation from an expert.

If you feel like your pet can benefit from CBD oil, you can always seek professional advice from your local veterinarian.

When to Contact Your Vet

As with any negative condition, it is best to contact your vet as soon as possible to receive proper treatment. However, some people try natural remedies at home that are somewhat effective. If the spot shows no improvement after a day or develops a foul odor, you should take urgent procedures to visit the veterinarian. This is because vets can prescribe exclusive antibiotics to cure hot spots.

If your pet experiences pain with their hot spots, vets can also opt to anesthetize for relief.

How to Stop Your Dog from Licking Hot Spots

A common tool that pet owners use is an Elizabethan collar or “plastic cone”. This will help prevent further irritation caused by potential biting or licking.

The “cone of shame” is effective but it might make simple tasks like eating and drinking more difficult for your dog. Owners can always opt for soft e-collars, neck control collars, surgical removal clothing, and comfy cones.

Physical Appearance of a Hot Spot

Since hot spots can occur anywhere on the body, it may be hard to spot. Regardless of the location, the skin disease’s appearance is consistent. A hot spot can be distinguished by raw, red skin. Dogs and cats experience hair loss around infected areas. The area starts out small like an insect bite, but can grow up to seven inches if it isn’t treated right away. Depending on your pet’s condition, they may also start to develop oozing sores.

Do Hot Spots on Dogs Smell?

Having a dog that suffers from hot spots can make the experience uncomfortable. The worse a hot spot is, the more likely it can cause foul smells.

By following natural remedies or applying antibiotics, you will be able to lessen the odor caused by moist crusts in the skin.


  • All About Hot Spots. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.petarmor.com/pet-health/health-wellness/hot-spots-on-dogs-cats
  • Ask A Vet: What Is A “Hot Spot” & What Can I Do About It? (2017, October 26). Retrieved from https://iheartdogs.com/ask-a-vet-what-is-a-hot-spot-what-can-i-do/
  • The Best Alternatives to the Classic ‘Cone of Shame’ for Dogs. (2019, October 6). Retrieved from https://www.rover.com/blog/cone-of-shame-alternatives/
  • Dog Hot Spot Treatment: Is CBD Oil a Good Idea? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://lolahemp.com/blogs/news/dog-hot-spot-natural-treatment
  • Elizabeth Racine, DVM. (2019, June 19). How to Treat and Prevent Hot Spots on Dogs ? American Kennel Club. Retrieved from https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/treating-and-preventing-hot-spots-on-dogs/
  • Giving your Pet CBD – How-to and Why. (2018, June 29). Retrieved from https://nordicoil.com/wiki/cbd-for-pets-complete-guide/
  • Hot Spots in Dogs. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://wagwalking.com/condition/hot-spots
  • How to Treat Hot Spots on Dogs. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.petmd.com/dog/care/evr_hot_spots_what_are_they
  • Treating Hot Spots On Dogs: The Ultimate Guide. (2019, October 3). Retrieved from https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/ultimate-guide-hot-spots-on-dogs/
  • What Do Hotspots on Dogs Look Like? (2018, June 5). Retrieved from https://canna-pet.com/hotspots-dogs-look-like/
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